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  • Writer's pictureEmily Kane

Grad student(s) wanted!

I am looking for Master's students to join the Department of Biology at Georgia Southern University, who are interested in contributing to an ongoing project examining the evolution of performance integration in Trinidadian guppies. The goal of this project is to begin to understand how the mechanical interactions between swimming and feeding differ between guppy populations, and how these phenotypes may or may not be transferred across guppy generations. This work takes an integrative approach spanning biomechanics, physiology, and evolutionary biology, and may include understanding differences in morphology, feeding kinematics, predator accuracy, swimming and escape kinematics, or respirometry. This project is also being used to develop outreach and education initiatives in South Georgia. I am interested in students who are open to participating in, and possibly helping to develop, these events. Creativity in research and outreach efforts is encouraged!

Funding will primarily be in the form of teaching assistantships but other opportunities may become available. Several additional opportunities for funding are available through the department, graduate school, and college to offset the costs of professional development, such as attending conferences. Increasing representation and diversity of scientists is key to advancing scientific approaches and ideas. I am committed to the success of my students, and I welcome those from non-traditional or underrepresented backgrounds.

The Biology Department at Georgia Southern University has a strong Master of Science program. Interested students who meet the admission requirements (these are strictly followed by the Graduate School) can fill out this form to get started. Beyond this minimum, I will not use test scores or grades to evaluate potential students. Instead, I am interested in learning more about your motivation for pursuing a degree, what you would like to learn through this process, and how you might hope to apply your degree after graduation. The priority deadline for Fall 2018 enrollment is March 1, 2018.

Please email me (ekane at georgiasouthern dot edu) with any questions you may have regarding this opportunity!

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